Holiday Highlights & Video from this Season


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And just like that, Christmas is only a few days away! Anyone else super pumped for a break and some quality time spent with their favorite people?! It’s been an insane couple of months and we couldn’t be more excited to slow down and enjoy ourselves. This black windowpane door is really dressed up for the holidays with a simple pine bough wreath.

Before we take a 2 week holiday break from the blog (more on that below), we want to share our holiday video with all of you!Ready for our holiday video!

As a reminder, we put together these short video montages every few months. It’s a fun “video scrapbook” of what we’ve been up to and it’s a unique way to capture all of the craziness we do on a regular basis!This Christmas tree decorated in black and white looks so cute next to the three wreaths: simple, elegant holiday decorating.

Here are our past videos if you want to catch up!

Catch up on our Seasonal Videos

The guys are ready for the video too.

This video showcases a lot of behind-the-scenes from our holiday photo shoot! We rented a cool spot in Chicago for the day and spent hours capturing all of our Christmas content. Luckily, we had the help of Casey’s mom and our husbands to keep things running smoothly. And they seemed to have had some fun along the way (as evidenced by the video…)

Holiday Video 2017

Taking a Break!

We are taking a much-needed break from blogging over the next 2 weeks, so there won’t be any new posts on the blog. This will give us time to relax, recharge, and plan some amazing content for 2018. We have so many ideas in store and want to make sure we’re all set and ready to go before Baby Mac arrives in February.We're ready to relax and enjoy the holidays!

We hope everyone has an amazing holiday season and a happy new year! We will still be active over on Instagram and Insta Stories, so be sure to follow along over there to see what we’re up to over the next couple of weeks. And a big THANK YOU to our readers for being so amazing this year (& always!). We’re excited to see what’s in store for us in 2018.




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