Best Last-minute gifts from Amazon Prime


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T-minus 7 days until Christmas! Where did the month of December go?! It feels like we were just debuting our Gift Guide to kickoff the holiday season, and now here we are in the home stretch of the season.Last-minute gifts from Amazon | DIY Playbook

We’re both juuuuust about done with our Christmas shopping, but have a few last-minute names to cross off our list. If you’re in the same boat, we’ve got you covered with today’s post. Last-minute gifts from Amazon | DIY Playbook

We are both Amazon prime junkies, Casey more so than B. In fact, just about every single day there is an Amazon box at the Finn’s doorstep. When you live in the city, it’s just a heck of a lot easier to order everyday items from Amazon instead of walking to the store and schlepping heavy bags home.  It’s funny because most of the time boxes arrive and we have no idea what we even ordered…it’s a big surprise. Ha!Last-minute gifts from Amazon | DIY Playbook

Amazon Prime’s free 2-day shipping makes things easy and will definitely come in handy this week with last-minute Christmas gifts. Here are 7 last-minute gifts from Amazon that will make it to you by the end of this week, so you can get them wrapped and under the tree by Christmas day!

Last-Minute Gifts from Amazon

Cheese Knife

Whenever we host parties, we always serve a cheese tray (because it looks legit and it’s so easy to throw together!). A “real” cheese knife is a great gift idea for any foodie or host in your life!

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Instax Mini Camera

We both have these cameras and absolutely LOVE snapping polaroids! Vow to capture all of your new memories in 2018 with this cute camera.

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Cards Against Humanity Game

A hilarious adults-only game that makes any get together a hit! We love playing this with friends & family and this is the perfect gift for any adult on your list.

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It’s not too late to find the perfect gift. Get your (online) shopping on!




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