Bridget Answers Questions About Her Second Trimester


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I can’t believe it’s already been a couple months since I checked in on the status of Baby Mac. Tomorrow marks the end of my second trimester so I figured I’d take a quick DIY time-out and answer all of your questions about the pregnancy so far — and finally address what’s in store for the nursery!

How do you feel?

I feel really great! I’m extremely blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy so far and do not want to take this blessing for granted. I have pain in my lower back but other than that, I feel like my normal self.

Do you crave anything?

Ummm… everything! Haha, I don’t think I have actual “cravings” but I do love food more than I ever have before. I feel like I’m always hungry! I’m trying to make healthy choices but in full disclosure, my diet has not been the greatest. I eat my fair share of fast food, junk food or baked goods, which brings me to the next question…

What’s been the hardest part of pregnancy?

Watching my body change. Yikes! I’m definitely not complaining, but if I’m being perfectly honest with you guys, seeing my body transform (and gain weight… all over) has been interesting. I know this weight means a growing little baby that I’m very thankful for, but that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I look twice at my growing thighs, face, and love handles. But those shallow thoughts quickly disappear because of an amazing person in my life.

A friend of mine recently experienced a miscarriage and was extremely open, honest, and brave about her experience. My heart is broken for her and at the same time, I have so much admiration for her grace and willingness to share her struggles to help others cope. Anytime I find myself looking twice at these imperfections on my body instead of the miracle growing inside of it, I am quickly reminded of her. The last thing I need to be doing is being hard on my growing body. Instead, she has taught me that I need to be so grateful for the gift I’ve been given… even if it comes with stretch marks, cellulite, and new love handles.

How are you handling work, blog, and home renovations while pregnant?

If I could answer that in one word it would be: barely. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful for all the excitement that is going on right now, but at times it feels very overwhelming. I love being busy, but I can honestly say I’ve never been this busy… ever.

I leave the house a little before 6 am for work, run around like a crazy person at work, come home after work, and work on the house until after dark. Then I scarf down dinner while on my laptop working on the blog… leaving absolutely no time for anything extra. My days are a total whirlwind and although I love my job, the house, and the blog, I feel like I have three full-time jobs and that’s more than I can juggle. To be perfectly honest, most days I forget I’m pregnant because I’m so busy! I know that’s so terrible to admit but this busy season is my current reality, so I want to keep it real. The good news is that things should die down (a little bit) over the next few months… just in time for Baby Mac.

What maternity clothes have you bought?

I haven’t bought too many clothes, but the ones I have bought I really like so far! I bought these jeans and these jeans and love both. The jeans I’m wearing in these pics are actually my sister’s maternity jeans, she gave me quite a few staples!  I also bought a slew of these t-shirts and borrowed this belly band from my sister. I bought this sweater and have been trying to add more flowy items to my wardrobe like this sweater cape (on the blog tomorrow!) and this blouse (in black). My goal is to buy a few staple pieces and then layer them with non-maternity items I already have (like vests, cardigans, etc.). I just realized my winter coat doesn’t zip anymore, so I’ll probably invest in one of those soon!

*FYI: I couldn’t find this sweatshirt online but I bought it (non-maternity) from Target recently!

How’s the nursery coming along?

It’s the only room in the house that we’ve started to think about decorating and I’m so excited! Executing the plan is still a few months away, but I’m happy to at least have a mood board in place and a tentative floor plan lined up. The room is REALLY big (12′ x 17′) so laying out the furniture had me a bit stumped since moving in. We enlisted our friends at Modsy to help us figure out the best layout and I’m so excited to show you what they came up with next week on the blog. Now that I have a better idea of how this space will eventually come to life, I’m even more excited to start buying stuff and fleshing out the plan even more.

What have you done to prepare so far?

Unfortunately, NOT MUCH. Like I just mentioned, I’m doing everything I can to avoid drowning in my to-do list and that has meant no time for baby prep (like none). I haven’t read any books (although I still want to read a few by February), heck, I hardly ever check my pregnancy app anymore because I’m running around like a crazy person 100% of the time.

BUT the good news is that investing in all of the craziness now hopefully means things will be a lot less chaotic when the baby comes (wishful thinking?!). Our goal is to have all of the construction done by Christmas so that I can focus a bit more on the baby (and life!) during those last few months. I know it’s not ideal to be this bogged down with work while preparing for a baby, but I’m so grateful for everything we have going on… even if it does make the days jampacked.

Plus, I have an amazing husband, parents, family, and business partner who have done everything in their power to lighten my workload and help me through this time. It seriously does take a village and I could not juggle a fraction of all of this without them.

Have you chosen a name yet?

We have not chosen a name and honestly rarely even talk about it! We talked more about at the start of the pregnancy when we didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl. We had some obvious front-runner options for a girl, but never really had anything we LOVED for a boy. When we found out we were having a boy, we were a bit stumped (and still are) in the name department! I don’t know if I’m alone on this, but boy names are hard… especially for two teachers. So many options get dismissed because of our experiences in the classroom. I’m sure we’ll eventually land on the winning one, but for now, it hasn’t been much of a discussion and we definitely haven’t made much progress.

Time Flies!

I still can’t even believe I’m heading into my third trimester… where has the time gone?! I can’t even allow myself to think about how SOON we are going to meet this little guy because that timeline gets me super stressed… especially as I look around and see how much work we still have to get done.

So I’m taking it one day at a time and feeling extra grateful for our journey so far. But I have a funny feeling that starting the nursery process here on the blog next week will start making our looming timeline seem very real!




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