Leather Gift Ideas to Celebrate Your Third Wedding Anniversary


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Today marks my 3rd wedding anniversary with Mr. Finn. In a way it feels like our wedding was only yesterday, but it also feels like we have been husband and wife for as long as I can remember. I can’t imagine my life with anyone else by my side and I could gush for an entire blog post about how I keep falling harder and harder for that man. Sigh.

But today we’re not going to get into the mushy-gushy stuff. Instead, let’s chat all about the gift giving aspect of anniversaries. Both Bridget & I have chatted about our wedding anniversary gifts for years 1 and 2, and today I’m here to chat about wedding anniversary number 3!

The traditional gift for the 3rd wedding anniversary is leather (the modern gift is crystal…but we both go by the traditional gift each year). At first thought…that’s a pretty tough theme for a gift. And of course my mind immediately goes into the gutter to think about risqué leather gifts. Oh boy! But don’t worry…all of my gift ideas today are PG.

Finn and I actually decided to treat one another to a leather gift while in Italy, each purchasing new leather jackets! Since Florence is known for their leather goods, we figured it was the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary together!

Some of you guys saw my new jacket in our Insta Story fashion show (which was a hoot!), but if not here’s a photo of my gorgeous new leather jacket. I’ve always wanted a brown leather jacket and I’m already getting a lot of use out of it this fall.

But if you are not heading to Florence anytime soon, I have a list of other leather anniversary gifts that might be perfect for your partner.

3rd Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas


Hopefully these gifts spark some ideas for you as you prep for your upcoming wedding anniversary. And if you’re celebrating years 1 or 2, be sure to check out these posts for more inspiration!

More Wedding Posts

And a Happy Anniversary to Mr. Finn! 3 years down, a lifetime to go…




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