Contemporary Pendant Lights in our Master Bathroom


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Back in February, I asked you guys to help me narrow down the choices for lighting in our master bathroom. Man oh man did you guys deliver!

We got lots of comments on the post, and then we even got emails from a few of you. One amazing reader even photoshopped in some of the lighting options so I could get a better sense of how they would look in our space! Don’t we have the coolest readers?! Seriously, so supportive and sweet!

Bathroom Choices – Pendant Lights

All of your input really helped me consider my options…and I ended up buying the new lights not long after that post! I decided to go with…option #1!

Our New Contemporary Pendant Lights


After doing lots of measuring, I decided that they would fit the space well and I really couldn’t go wrong with the sleek black look. Heck, even if they weren’t perfect I knew they would be 1000x better than the rusty pendants we had hanging in the bathroom.


Plus, lighting can be incredibly expensive and these were only $65 a pop. Not too shabby. I love the black matte shades and the large size compared to the old dinky ones. pendant-lights-master-bathroom

I installed them myself one morning and it really wasn’t too difficult of a project. Luckily the pendants are really lightweight, so I didn’t need to wake up my snoozing husband to lend me a hand and hold them up while I attached the wires. It was still an arm workout, but not nearly as difficult as installing our ceiling fan!black-pendant-light-bathroom

The cord isn’t perfectly straight which bugs me a bit, but I’m hoping that gravity will work to coax the cord down? Any ideas for me to get the cords looking perfect?master-bathroom-lights-8

While the new black pendant lights look so much better than the old ones, they also create a  ton of light! I was amazed when I flicked the power back on and our entire bathroom illuminated. Let’s just say my makeup will be much more precise these days…bathroom-pendant-lighting

This project has been on my to-do list forever, so I’m so happy that I finally chose new lights and got them installed. Throwing away those rusty pendants was an amazing feeling if I do say so myself. master-bathroom

With the new black pendants installed, I now want to add a few more touches of black to the space. We have shelves above the toilet that are just asking for a bit of re-styling. Cannot wait to get my hands on them…


Until then, you’ll likely find me sitting close to the mirror plucking my eyebrows and checking out my pores in my new illuminated bathroom! <—gross, but it’s the truth.




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