Our Better Homes & Garden Weekend Getaway in NYC


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Long before we were bloggers, we were blog readers. So it’s safe to say that one of our favorite parts about blogging is connecting with the authors behind some of our favorite daily reads. Recently we were able to hang out with lots of our blogging buddies at the Better Homes & Gardens Stylemaker Event. The better homes and gardens event had gorgeous centerpieces and table settings

The welcome sign for the better homes and gardens stylemaker celebration

When BHG invited us to the event a few months back, we RSVP’ed “YES!”  in about 2 seconds flat after realizing…

  • It’s held in one of our favorite cities (NYC baby!)
  • Lots of our blogging buddies would be there! (Like Emily, Laura, Summer…)
  • It was an opportunity to network & connect with inspiring talent in the design world

Bridget Casey at the NYC Better Homes and Garden Event

It was only a 1-day event, but it was a jampacked day! (So jampacked that we barely had time to take pictures. So many of these photos are c/o Avi Gerver Photography)The editor panel at the better homes and gardens eventWe heard from the new editor-in-chief of Better Homes & Gardens, Stephen Orr, and got to learn about the future of the magazine.

we got to watch many speakers from the better homes and gardens team

We also attended a few sessions on how to better brand ourselves, so we could continue to work with amazing publications like BHG.

But we even had some hands-on classes too. Our favorite? Flower arranging!

these centerpieces were totally instagram worthy!

Bridget, Casey, and Jessica after their flower making classWe learned a lot from flower pro Matthew Robbins, and we’re so excited to put his tips into practice. In fact, we left so inspired that you may be seeing more crazy blooms around here instead of just roses, hydrangeas, and alstroemerias all the time! (P.S. That’s Jessica from Four Generations One Roof…who was adorable btw)

Bridget and Casey having sit down talks with BHG staff

Bridget and Casey with blogger friends at the Better Homes and Gardens event

The best part of the day was hanging with some of our favorites and chatting IN PERSON instead of online. BHG Stylemaker Celebration napkins

the NYC skyline at sunsetPlus these views at the cocktail hour didn’t hurt either.

a fun rooftop cocktail hour at the BHG event

It was a wonderful day and we feel honored to be included in a group of such amazing talent!


the Brooklyn Bridge from the Hudson river

Bridget had to leave me to head back to that day job of hers, so the night of the event..I had Finn fly into NYC so we could spend the rest of the weekend in NYC. He hasn’t ever really experienced NYC as an adult, so it was awesome exploring the city side-by-side.

On our agenda? Mostly eating and drinking.

We ate Brooklyn style pizza at the famous Grimaldi’s, we dined on lobster rolls by the Hudson River, and we drank some late night beers at McGee’s (which for any of you How I Met your Mother fans out there…it’s the pub MacLaren’s is based on!)

We tried to keep all of our meals pretty light (typically splitting an appetizer or entree), so we could dine again a few hours later at another spot. We called it our own version of NYC tapas.We took in a NY Mets game while we were in NYC

Casey and Finn at a NY Mets baseball game

nothing pairs better than baseball and beer

Our big event for one of our days in town was a trip to Citi Field for the Yankees vs. Mets game. It was so much fun and the stadium is pretty darn amazing. Such a nice facility (with amazing food options!) I’m pretty sure that husband of mine appreciated the sports-themed date night #wifepoints

the Statue of Liberty in New York City

On our second (& final) day in NYC we were hardcore tourists. We took an hour-long boat ride to see the Statue of Liberty, walked the Brooklyn bridge, headed to Times Square at night, and did our best to enjoy all of the awesome sights of the Big Apple.Finn poses on the Brooklyn bridge overlooking the NY skyline

All in all, a quick but wonderful trip with my bestie.

New York City at night from the plane

Until next time, NYC! Bridget and Casey Signature



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