How to Clean Your DIY Mason Jar Organizer


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Over the course of our blogging journey, there is one project that has consistently performed well for us…our mason jar organizer.

This easy DIY mason jar organizer is easily one of our most popular projects

This bad boy has been featured all over the web and it’s been the most popular project on our site. Who knew people loved mason jars so darn much?!

But when things are popular on the internet, there’s always bound to be some controversy and opposing opinions. #ohhhhhboy

Yep, this DIY project has started some debates. 98% of people love it, and then the other 2% are very concerned about keeping this organizer sanitized in the bathroom.  But I have two very simple solutions to put the debate to rest and keep the 2% of haters quiet.

Keep it Clean

1. You can always screw the mason jar lids on to keep your cotton balls, q-tips, and other bathroom items safe from dust. There’s no need to keep them open, I just simply like the look (& accessibility) of the open jars.

Keeping the jars clean as they sit in the bathroom all the time has become a popular question

2. You can easily unscrew the jars and throw them into the dishwasher to get them sparkly clean again!

How to Remove the Mason Jars
Just a few simple tools is all you need to clean this project

The jars are easily removed to be cleaned
Carefully unscrew the mason jar from the hose clamp with your screwdriver
Using a flathead screwdriver, carefully remove the mason jars

The only tool you need is a flat head screwdriver. STEP 1: Take the screwdriver and insert it into the end of the hose clamp. STEP 2: Slowly loosen the clamp so the ring gets looser and wider. Be sure to hold onto the jar as it loosens up.

Take them out of the pipe clamp for easy washing

STEP 3: Slide your jar out of the clamp.

Now that the jar is removed you can simply wash the jars in the dishwasher and they are good as new

STEP 4: Throw the jar in the dishwasher and get it nice & clean!

Repeat this step for all your mason jars, and the project is back to day 1 perfection
Yellow daisies in the mason jar brighten any bathroom space

That’s seriously all it takes. No reaching into the jar to try to clean it. No cramping your hand to smoosh to the bottom. 1 tool, 4 steps, and your mason jar organizer looks good as new.

Here are some of the supplies used to create and clean this DIY project (affiliate links used for your convenience)

If you still haven’t created a mason jar organizer of your own, take a look at the step-by-step and give it a try! We think they’re great for just about any room (perhaps an office to hold pens & markers, or a kitchen to hold silverware)…the possibilities are endless!

How to Create a Mason Jar Organizer – Video




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