The Awkward Side of Running your Own Business and Blog


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Let’s face it…everyone has awkward, embarrassing moments now and then.


But when you’re putting your thoughts, feelings, and ideas on the internet for all of the world to see… that awkward feeling is magnified by 10x.Casey & Bridget

We decided to compile our list of holy-moley-awkward times into a nice little post for you guys. Honestly, we were both CRACKING UP reading some of these, and they’re all 100% real stories that have happened to us both. Welcome to the oh so glamorous world of being a blogger…DIY Rookies 1

– That time you wrote a whole post and spelled the word “CORD” wrong at least 12 times in the post (even on a graphic) and a reader calls you out on it = awkward.

– That time you sat on the couch thinking of the perfect hashtag. Thirty minutes later you’re still sitting on the couch thinking of a hashtag = awkward. #notpunny

– That time you realized one person was leaving malicious comments from a new IP address everyday and you finally realized who it was =

-That time someone thought you had two men in your life because you call your husband both “Mike” & “Finn” on the blog = awkward. (For the record…I’ve tried to keep it to just “Finn” to avoid any more confusion. #mybad)

– That time you were writing a “Wedding Fashion” post and realized you wore your dress backwards to the last two weddings you attended = awkward. (True story…read more about it here)

– That time you asked your husband what he thought about the day’s post and he stares back blankly. You politely follow up with a comment about the previous day’s post and the blank stare continues = awkward.

– That time your co-worker saw you on TV talking about “some blog?” and is thoroughly confused about why the hell you were on TV. Trying to explain the situation to someone who has never heard of a blog or DIY = awkward.rookies liberty mutual

– That time you see a project repinned on a Pinterest Board named, “Who the F%&$ would ever make this?” = awkward.

-That time when someone is talking about your blog and continues to say “DYI” instead of “DIY” and you just politely nod & smile and think “do-yourself-it” has an interesting ring to it = awkward.

-That time when a few readers mentioned they’d rather look at pictures of our homes than pictures of us = awkward (And totally noted! Sorry this post is chock full of weird photos of us though…)

– That time your parents say, “yesterday’s post wasn’t too good huh? No reader comments” = awkward.

– That time a good friend declines your invitation to like DIY Playbook’s Facebook Page = awkward.

– That time your mom comments, “Love these girls (smiley face with sunglasses emoji) on the HomeGoods Instagram account when they feature a DIY Playbook space as if she is a random “fan” = awkward (and really sweet at the same time).DIY Playbook Cell Phone

– That time a student comes up to you in the hallway to say she saw your wedding picture on Pinterest and wants to know how you got your picture on Pinterest (aka my students don’t know about the blog) = awkward.

– That time you took photos for Valentine’s Day and realized after looking at the pics that your shirt is folded in a way that makes you look like you are half pregnant and half addicted to doughnuts, yet you have no choice but to still use those photos = awkward.

– That time you send that “I look pregnant” photo to your sisters and ask them what looks weird in the photo. Neither of them mention the pregnant look, but both have other negative feedback about your appearance = awkward.

– That time someone talks to you about “today’s post” and you have no clue what topic they’re talking about for a few minutes because you wrote it two weeks ago = awkward.

– That time you throw a question out on @diyplaybook’s social media accounts and you get zero responses = awkward.Rookie4

– That time a film crew + a HGTV host was in our bedroom, and I realized that my husband’s childhood wrestling buddy’s arm was exposed from under our bedskirt and there was nothing I could do but kick it back under without drawing attention to myself = awkward.

-That time when a blog reader stops you on the street, and you’re sweaty from your walk home from work and know that she is eyeballing your professional work attire paired with your  clunky Sketchers = awkward.

-That time when a guest walks into your home and declares that it’s much prettier on the blog than in real life = awkward.

-That time when you’re shooting photos on the side of an industrial building and the owner comes out and asks why you have red balloons and you’re wearing dresses in November = awkward (But to be fair, we did say we would send him a Christmas card if he let us continue our photo shoot!)

Bridget & CaseySo if you thought blogging was all glitz & glamour…now you know the dirty truth. Blogging = a heck of a lot of awkward




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