Easy Gift for New Moms – DIY Wine Bottle Tote


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Probably much like you guys, when we joined Facebook you needed a college email to get a profile. At that time, our newsfeed was filled with college tailgates, themed parties, and a few photos that probably should’ve never made it to social media (#awkward).

Then, that sloooooowly began to shift. Those not-so flattering frat party pics were suddenly extinct (thank goodness) and wedding photos started to sprinkle the feed. Then what seemed to be two seconds later, engagement and wedding photos flooded that same feed.


And now, we know these clues all too well. We are once again noticing a newsfeed shift and a friendly reminder that we indeed are heading towards that next stage in life. Just like those weddings once sprinkled this staple social media channel, BABY pics are popping up here and there… and we’re not talking #TBT baby pics. These pictures are of adorable newborns; perfect sons and daughters of our friends and family not just posted on a Thursday.

AHHH!!! Who knew when we eagerly plugged in those NEW college emails that this social media channel would see us all through such huge life stages? Crazy to think back and see how much has changed in that amount of time. I guess it’s a valuable time capsule that helps us save those memories in one happy, awkward, embarrassing, hilarious, priceless place.

As much as I would love to chat about the social implications of this social media craze, I need to get off my soapbox and finally get to the topic at hand — an easy, affordable, meaningful gift for new/expecting moms… ya know those moms who are now sprinkling our newsfeed. We gotta have a “go-to” gift for new moms so that we can show these amazing women some love during this special time.

Easy Gift for New Moms

baby gift

An excuse to pop a champagne sparkling apple juice bottle and celebrate their new “PARTY OF 3”. Or feel free to change that number to fit your needs — party of 4 possibly for a twin delivery or for the second child


  • Wine Bags (I bought this affordable PACK so we can make lots of these & have them on hand for new moms)
  • Stickers of your choice
  • Spray Paint (I like to match the baby’s gender or the nursery/shower theme)
  • Bottle of Sparkling Apple Juice (or real champagne if the baby is already here!)
  • Bottle Opener
  • Optional: Add a gift card! (A good option if you’re stumped on a shower gift but you don’t just want to give an “impersonal” gift card. Adding a gift card with this set-up could work perfectly).

So you need absolutely no creative skills to re-create this look. Simply place the stickers onto the bag and make sure you really STICK them to the linen. I only did one side, but feel free to do both sides (you’ll have to wait until the paint dries on the first side to repeat the process on the reverse side).

party of 3

Then spray the bag with spray paint. If you want you can paint just over the letters or paint the whole side of the bag.

Wait for the paint to dry and carefully peel the stickers away.

party of 3

Place the sparkling juice in the bag and tie it off with a cute bow and a bottle opener. Like I mentioned in the supply list, you could always add a gift card with this gift if you needed “a little something” extra.

baby gift

In about an hour (with dry time), you have a thoughtful gift to show your soon-to-be mom or new mom friend a little extra LOVE. Cheers to her and her new Party of 3. Can’t wait to see those adorable newborn photos on my newsfeed! LIKE!

And since we’re back on Facebook. Here’s the real question…. after Facebook “baby boom”, what’s next? Preschool Graduations? 8th grade graduations? High School Graduations and then Retirement? Will we still be on Facebook? Will we still care? Will those scary college pics still be a part of our story?! Oh, Facebook…




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