Spring Cleaning To Do List + Free Printable


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If you get stressed easily we advise that you proceed through today’s post with extreme caution.  Heck we feel pretty darn stressed reading it and we wrote it. Just thinking about what Spring Cleaning projects we each have in store has us feeling queasy! #eek

But let’s be real here… although the anticipation of spring cleaning sometimes feels overwhelming, our homes NEED some extra attention after the looonnnnnggg winter (especially in the nooks and crannies that our pretty photos don’t always expose). Under the bathroom sink, behind the refrigerator, in the every closet– our homes need some extra cleaning/organizing TLC and this warm weather has us inspired to finally tackle these neglected projects so we can kick back and relax this summer! You in or what?!

Over the past few weeks, we have been chatting with each other about the mini cleaning and organizing projects that we wanted to tackle around each of our homes. We decided that we don’t necessarily plan on sharing too much of these boring yet necessary projects here on the blog, but we thought you are probably tackling your own Spring Cleaning and could use a motivating To Do list to keep you on track.

That’s when we figured that we should probably sit down and do what do best.  And that’s exactly what we did and are doing today– making a list and getting to work!

1. Download this Spring Cleaning TO DO list  (for FREE)

2.  Press Print (for free)

Together we can all dread each item and then feel completely proud and accomplished as we check it off the to do list.

Once we’re ALL done with the list, we will celebrate (without making a mess of course) and then look forward to the best part of Spring Cleaning — the part when it’s OVER and we can enjoy summer!!Palm-Tree

Let’s do this!Bridget and Casey Signature

 Did we miss anything on the list? We’d love to hear your feedback so that we can add it to our lists and get ‘er done!



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