Customize =Chargers & Earbuds with Washi Tape


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Good afternoon! Thanks for joining us for a double post today. This morning we showed you guys these simple customized phone covers…and now we’re back with more technology related crafting…Update your charger with Washi tape!…we’re jazzing up our phone chargers and cords with washi tape.

Before we get to the goods, let me backtrack a bit. I don’t know about you, but in our house we have a phone charger problem. We either have so many chargers in our household that we don’t know what to do with them. Or we’re looking in drawers and backpacks desperately searching for our phone chargers, and we have a total shortage. Seriously…it’s a problem. My husband and I each have our own chargers, and then we have one that stays in our bedroom. However, we’re always leaving them at friend’s homes or we “borrow” the bedroom charger only to leave it at work, and then we’re left with 2 dead phones. And to top it off, we’re constantly giving one another the stink eye when one of us accidentally leaves the charger at work.

You see..we had a serious charger problem and it wasn’t good for our phones or our marriage.
It's easy to lose a phone charger, and it can be tough to share with your spouse. So I came up with a simple solution to our problem. Washi tape comes in tons of fun patterns and colors. Color coding our cords with washi tape!  Using Washi tape to customize cords is a great idea!This simple DIY is great for a couple of reasons. Mainly, we now know which phone charger is ours and we don’t accidentally “borrow” the other person’s charger. Plus, we’re less likely to mix it up with anyone else’s when they come over and charge their phone in our home.

And of course…they’re so darn cute. I mean why not customize something that you use and look at

Adding washi tape to your phone charger makes it look cute and ensures you won't forget it!Here’s our new green cord. This one stays in our master bedroom. Green = master bedroom. See now it can’t mysteriously disappear to someone’s work bag (cough, cough, Mr. Finn)

Use tape to customize and color code your phone chargers so they stay in the right spot. Washi tape brightens and customizes phone chargers. This striped and gold duo is MY charger. It stays in my bag and goes with me to work, sleepovers, etc. I’m pretty sure the Mr. won’t want go anywhere near this girly one. Using bright tape to customize your phone charger is such a fun idea.I also made sure to wrap tape around both the outlet and the cord, since they can easily come apart and be mixed around. Now we don’t have any “naked” cords..and they all have a matching set. Use Washi tape to customize headphones for your phone as well. While I was at it, I added some gold tape to my headphones because these mysteriously disappear as well. Plus, these are super cute aren’t they? Totally glam. Head-phonesUsing Washi tape to personalize your headphones keeps you from mixing them up!So what do you think…pretty darn easy, right?

Customizing your phone charger is a super easy DIY project but it's also functional!

We know you’re a busy girl and you have zero time to rummage through your home looking for your phone charger. Solve your problems with this craft.




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