Half Bathroom Tour – DIY Playbook


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As a home blogger, it can be a little strange that so many people know exactly what the inside of your home looks like. We try to really open our lives to you guys, and showcasing every inch of our homes is a part of that. I’m not gonna lie, it does make me feel a little weird to show the internet what my bedroom looks like, and share exactly where I lay my head each night. But that comes with the territory of being a home decor blogger, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  If we can inspire someone with the way we decorate our homes, then it’s totally worth it!

I realized that I’ve shown you guys most of our shoe-box sized Chicago apartment (I mean there isn’t really that much ground to cover), but I have left one room off our tour list. Our half bathroom. I think I was a little intimidated to photograph the space, not because it’s ugly…but because it’s tiny, has mirrors, and has absolutely zero natural light. Not exactly the best equation for beautiful photographs. We recently added some new art in that little baby-sized room, and I figured it was finally time to attempt to shoot this space for the blog. So let’s do this thing already…

Even though we live in a one bedroom apartment, it is so nice to have an extra bathroom in our home. Not only is it convenient for guests, but it is essential to our morning routine here in the Finn household. My husband graciously gave me full reign of the large double-sink master bath, and he stores all of his stuff in the small powder room. Living together for four years, in three different places, we’ve always had separate bathrooms and it definitely works for us. (Side note: I don’t know what it is with guys and their bathrooms…but why do they spend so much time in there? Like what are you doing in there for soooo long? Am I the only girl who thinks that? Please tell me I’m not alone!)


This little room houses our mason jar organizer, which holds lots of bathroom essentials. I’ll admit, 95% of the time it doesn’t have fresh flowers in it. But I do like to sneak some in when we’re having guests over. It just glams up the rustic piece a bit and adds some cheer to the small space. Yellow-Flowers-Mason-Jar

I try not to clutter up the small counter in here with too much stuff. Mostly just simple white accessories that offer storage and function. Wedding-Rings

Because this is our guest bathroom, I like to have extra toilet paper on hand. It’s never fun to be at someone’s home and run out of TP! So to avoid any awkwardness or embarrassment, we store lots of extra in a slim basket near the toilet. I know Bridget does the same in her household. It’s just a nice little way to make your guests feel extra comfortable.


Because this space is so small, I decided to keep the decor in here very clean and simple. Bright white towels, frames, and a few natural elements help keep things looking fresh in this tiny room. You’re not overwhelmed with color or clutter, and I kinda like that.

One area where we do add a nice pop of color is through the art pieces. We recently received some gorgeous prints as a wedding gift, and I knew I had to frame them immediately. Because wall space is at a premium in our house, they ended up here in the powder room. But just because they’re in the bathroom, doesn’t mean I’m not obsessed with them. Blue-PrintThese are actually hand painted kimono prints from an old book. Finn’s aunt gave them to us to include in our home. I love the colorful details and texture, and I think they really pop against the thick white mats. Butterfly-PrintThe best news is I still have 2 more prints that I need to frame. Hopefully I can find a good spot for the others in our home, but for now I’m in love with these. Worlds-Fair-PosterOn the main wall, we hung this large Chicago print. Gotta have a little hometown love, right?

So that’s about it…I guess it doesn’t take too long to show off such a small space! Now I can confidently say that I’ve shown you just about every nook and cranny of our apartment. Does that mean that it’s time to move already? Hmmm…I could use a new space to decorate that’s for sure.




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