Treasures from our Travels – DIY Playbook


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As September comes a-knocking, we are excited to dive head first into wedding season, pumpkin lattes, cozy sweaters and all things FALL! The end of summer is often bittersweet, but we have every reason to focus on how amazing our summers have been and how grateful we are for the opportunities we have had this summer. Although Bridget is back at work full-time and Casey is knee-deep in a wedding to-do list, we are forgetting the “bitter” and doubling-up on the “sweet”. Bring it on FALL… we’re ready for you and can’t wait to greet you with a big ‘ol bear hug!

But before we sign off on this summer officially, we do want to chat about the treasures we’ve accumulated this summer throughout our travels. We’re not huge fans of the typical “souvenirs”, but we do like to collect a little something from each of the places we’ve traveled. Tiny treasures that don’t necessarily always look like the traditional “souvenir”, yet still remind us & our misters of our journeys.
Bar Harbor Art

First up…. this colorful buoy art from Bar Harbor, ME. If you remember a few months back, Matt and I honeymooned along the east coast. We ate a lot of LOBSTER, chatted with a lot of locals about the lobster industry (it’s fascinating!), and took a whale watching tour where we saw tons, and tons, and tons of buoys. This simple piece of art totally captures those memories in a fun, colorful, & very cheerful way. Bar_harbor_art

Portland Art

This next piece of “art” was a greeting card we picked up in one of the adorable shops in Portland, ME. This greeting card turned cheap “art” is not necessarily as meaningful as the buoy art, yet it is a saying that reflects our positive outlook on life. Plus, it reminds me of the gloomy day we had in Portland and how cozy the fog and rain made that cute little coastal town.



Ring Holder Whale Ring HolderNext up, one of my favorite treasures of the summer — this tiny whale. I mean, how dang cute is he?! We picked up this little fella in Portland, ME too (great shops)! It just seems fitting that I use him as a ring holder since this trip was our honeymoon after all. Plus, it totally reminds me of our failed attempt at whale watching that still makes us laugh. 6.5 hours on a ship, a sea-sick groom, frigid temperatures, riding to Canadian waters… all to see two tiny whales for about 5 seconds each. Awesome.

Framed Post CardMore framed art. This post card is actually from a shop in Sonoma, California where we traveled from Casey’s amazing Bachelorette Party! Not only do I love the message, the “No Whining” ironically reminds me that we did a LOT of “WINE-ing” on that trip. Cheers!
Portland Lobster Co.

And last but very not least, more Portland memorabilia. I took this coaster from one of our favorite restaurants on the east coast tour. Fresh lobster, delicious clam chowder, a pier on a wharf, fog looming, my handsome groom… what more could a girl ask for?!

Postcard-bowl-001I’m not gonna lie, I’m definitely envious of B’s fabulous honeymoon and the bounty of fun stuff she brought back with her. But I can’t complain, because I had one amazing trip this summer…our trek out to wine country! While there, I picked up a Sonoma postcard to add to our little postcard collection.

PostcardsFor the past few years now, whenever Finn or I go on a trip, we will pick up a post card from our journey. Then, we’ll write any events or memories from the vacay on the back of the card and stick it in this vase. It’s nice to have a catalog of our memories right there on our bookshelf. No matter where we go, even if it’s just a small weekend getaway, we always try to remember to pick up a postcard to keep our tradition alive. I’m happy to see that Sonoma postcard right on top, as it reminds me of our fabulous trip filled with lots of wine drinking.

We are two very lucky girls and have had one hell of a summer! So as September comes barreling in, we are happy to have him and all of the new adventures that he brings with him. The tiny treasures we have sprinkled around our home remind us of how truly lucky we really are for our journeys this summer, and how excited we are to see what else is in store! These tiny treasures also remind us why we are grateful that we don’t travel on business for a living… we’d have CRAP everywhere!Bridget and Casey SignatureAny other vacation saps out there? We’d love to hear how you symbolize your travels in your homes!      



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