Casey’s “Finn-ale” – DIY Playbook


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Breaking News: the rookies are jet-setting…. again! This time it’s NO work & ALL play!! #ourkindoftravel

In honor of the soon-to-be Mrs. Casey Finn, we are unplugging and heading to Sonoma, California to cheers Casey and her final days as a single lady. Casey & some of her favorite women are headed out to the wild, wild west (emphasis on the WILD), and we could not be more excited to celebrate such an amazing bride. We would like to formally invite you to follow the pre-wedded bliss on our INSTAGRAM as we document the good, bad, and ugly with the hashtag #caseysfinnale. Get it…FINN-ale? Ha, I crack myself up. Don’t tell Casey, but her bridal team has a few secrets up their sleeves that I’m sure will make an appearance on our instagram feed. #sorryCase

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So if you want to follow as we wine & dine this gorgeous bride, follow along here and get in on the action! If instagram isn’t your thing, don’t you even worry… we will be recapping the festivities right here on the Playbook shortly after our trip. Oh and I probably shouldn’t forget to mention that although we will be out-of-town, the DIY Playbook is in very good hands. We scheduled our Haven Recap for early tomorrow morning and will be leaving it up to Matt and Finn to take care of Friday’s post. It should be interesting. Stay tuned…

Cheers to Casey and her upcoming Finn-ale!

bridget_sigPS. Any Sonoma recommendations from our fellow travelers?! We’d love to hear your travel tips below…



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