32 Life Lessons from our Grandmothers


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If you’ve been reading DIY Playbook for some time now, then we hope you’ve noticed that family is very important to us both. We come from very happy homes, with large extended families…and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

One thing we haven’t chatted much about is our amazing relationships with our grandmothers. We’re both blessed to still have a grandmother in our lives, and they’re happy and healthy women whom we admire. You’ll often hear Casey chatting about her “Meme” or Bridget talking all about her latest visit with her “Gram.” We’re 2 very lucky granddaughters to have grandmothers we see and chat with regularly. In fact, our grandmas have even met and hung out before…which is pretty darn cool if you ask us!

Our grandmothers are phenomenal role models and they’ve helped shape us into the young women we are today. They’re both in their 80’s (but don’t look a day over 60!) and have lived long lives full of love and family. We decided we needed to know all of their “secrets to success”..so we asked them to share their lessons for a long happy life right here on the blog.

Life Lessons from our Grandmothers

We think their life lessons can (& should) apply to absolutely anyone…male, female, young, or old. Here are 32 life lessons from our grandmothers

  1. Accept what life has in store for you.
  2. Never forget your parents who gave you life.
  3. Spend only what you can afford.
  4. Love your children all the same.
  5. When children marry, let them make their own decisions.
  6. Don’t ask too many questions. Family will tell if they want you to know.
  7. Keep children together, as their siblings will be their best buds.
  8. Thank you notes are always appreciated.
  9. Lending money only leads to bad feelings.
  10. Discuss tragedy to heal, do not keep it a secret.
  11. Don’t forget the best…keep God in your life.
  12. Happiness starts with you.
  13. Have lots of friends…the older you get, the more you depend on them.
  14. Negative people drag you down.
  15. Worrying never helps anything.
  16. Try to give away some of your treasures.
  17. Enjoy time with your children. I wish I wasn’t so strict with mine.
  18. Help others and you will help yourself.
  19. Let go of anger.
  20. The more you talk, the less you hear.
  21. Learn to respect everyone, no matter your age.
  22. Solve problems within your family.
  23. Go along with wedding plans…it’s their wedding, not yours!
  24. In laws are family, treat them that way.
  25. Give family as much as you can.
  26. Eat something green everyday.
  27. Plan ahead, but keep goals flexible.
  28. Get an education. People can’t take away your brain.
  29. Marry your best friend…they will carry you through the hard times.
  30. Get fit and stay fit.
  31. Enjoy nature. A quick walk outside can brighten your mood.
  32. Don’t take life too seriously. Life is short…so enjoy it!

Pretty amazing stuff, right? Casey’s “Meme” did follow the list saying, “Now if I could only follow my own advice!” Which is not only hilarious but is so incredibly true. These 32 life lessons are meant to act as a guide as we live each day. They may not all be easy to follow, but we’re confident that these words of wisdom will help us be the best women we can be.

Need a gift for the grandmother in your life? This is a personalized and special one!




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