How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial


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Rookie Mistakes: a series of common decor mistakes made by rookies… aka us. And no we are not judging because we have made (and continue to make) these mistakes too!

Fresh flowers are a big indulgence for us both. Some girls are into shoes, others like a new mani every other week, but we…we like fresh flowers all over our homes. Alstroemerias, hydrangeas, roses…just about any flower will do. But even if our fresh blooms are on sale, they can still cut into that budget. So we usually try to choose cheaper blooms that will last a long time so we can get the best bang for our bucks!

Rookie Mistake – Displaying Carnations

Carnations are lovely to have in your home: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Carnations certainly fit the bill. Sadly, these blooms get a bad rep. But today we want to show you that these cheaper flowers can look very high end if you display them the right way.

Before we got into the whole fresh-flowers-every-week thing, we were not very good at displaying flowers. Instead we would just plop them in a vase, put them on the kitchen counter, and call it a day.

Rookie Mistake: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Yep…we made this rookie mistake all.the.time.There's a better solution: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

The stems are awkwardly tall, the flowers dwarf the small vase, and it looks as inexpensive as the flowers.

So let’s remedy that rookie mistake…

The Best Way to Display CarnationsWork on scale How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Ohhhh much better!

Here’s how to achieve this look every single time. Trim the stems a bit: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Buy some pretty carnations at the grocery store (we typically find a whole bunch for less than $10 at our local stores!) Small bowls help: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Then find a cool vase to display them. We prefer round & low bowls, but geometric or other cool shapes work well too. Fill it with water and the packet of plant food that comes with your flowers. Use the flower food: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Now it’s cutting time. Hold up a stem next to the vase, eyeball the cut, and snip the end on an angle. Be sure to also remove any leaves that will be below the water line (so just about all of them). Remove the leaves: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Keep going and bunch them together in your hand as you go, making sure the flowers fan out from the center. Fan out the flowers: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Then place them in your vase. You may need to snip the ends a bit more at this time so they all lay nicely. Make them look more full: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

It's the right pop of color: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Much better, right? Those carnations are looking much more high-end. People will never guess what a deal you got on them! It works on the nightstand: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Now the best part about carnations is that they last FOREVER. Seriously, these babies can still look good up to 2 weeks later. It’s crazy….crazy awesome. It looks better this way: How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook

Let’s hear it for the often-ignored carnation. It’s time to give this flower some love & attention because when displayed properly it can be incredibly gorgeous! So what do you say? Are you gonna brighten up your dreary January with some colorful blooms? We sure hope so!


Pssst…need help displaying roses? Try out our tutorial to get those beauties looking good in no time!More in the series, How to arrange long-stem roses : How to Decorate with Carnations: Tutorial | DIY Playbook




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